UPDATE: In the 2018 UK Budget it was announced that the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme will end in April 2020.
The Energy Technology List will continue to be available for companies wishing to identify energy saving products.
The Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme
The UK Government’s Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme allows businesses to claim 100% first-year capital allowances on their spending on energy saving technologies & equipment.
This enables you to write off the whole cost of your investment in qualifying products against your taxable profits for the year in which you purchase the energy saving equipment/products.
The Energy Technology List
In order to claim an Enhanced Capital Allowance the equipment purchased must be listed on the Energy Technology List.
Automatic Monitoring & Targeting Systems (i.e. permanent smart metering & energy management systems) are an exception to this. In the words of the ECA/ETL scheme’s own website;
“Rather than individual products being listed, businesses can see the criteria for Automatic Monitoring and Targeting Systems and should then liaise with suppliers and manufacturers to ensure the products they are purchasing meet the criteria”.
As mentioned above, because of the component based nature of AtlasEMS Smart metering & energy management systems, AtlasEVO products are not listed individually on The Energy Technology List.
Instead companies are asked to ensure that individual components in any Automatic Monitoring & Targeting System are selected to suit their own needs.
Investments in the components of an AM&T system still qualify for the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme, provided the system as a whole meets the ECA’s criteria.
Therefore, when used as part of a complete automatic monitoring & targeting system the AtlasEMS range of Energy Management Systems qualify for Enhanced Capital Allowance.
Additionally, any components that are added to an existing AM&T system may also qualify for an ECA (for example more meters added to an existing system).
For more information on the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme or the Energy Technology List please visit the following sites;